Vitamin deficiency can lead to different health conditions in both adults and children. Depending on what you lack, symptoms will start showing up eventually. Varicose veins, for example, can be a warning sign of circulatory problems, including a possible vitamin deficiency, particularly Vitamins K and D.
As your best source of food supplements like the Warrior Strong Wellness Vitamins D3 & K2 veggie capsules, we thought of tackling the connection between varicose veins and Vitamin D and K deficiency. Hopefully, this will help you understand the steps needed to prevent or resolve varicose veins and other complications of insufficient Vitamin D and K levels in your body.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are those enlarged and twisted veins you commonly see in the legs. However, it can happen anywhere in the body. Doctors note that it's not a pressing medical concern. However, varicose veins can bring discomfort and increase the risk of severe problems. Also, because it's noticeable, it may bring feelings of discomfort and embarrassment.
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
People with varicose veins may or may not have symptoms. Usually, varicose veins bother you at the end of the day, especially when you stand or sit for long periods. However, should you have symptoms, you may experience the following daily:
- Dull and aching pain
- Heavy or tired feeling
- Disrupted sleep
- Swelling and inflammation
How do varicose veins develop?
You can have varicose veins at any age, but typically people notice them more in their mid-20s or older. As you age, your chance of developing varicose veins gets higher.
These bulging blood vessels develop when the small valves inside your veins stop working correctly. A healthy vein will have a smooth blood flow to the heart. These tiny valves open and close to let blood through and prevent the blood from flowing backward. Varicose veins can appear when someone lacks specific vitamins, eventually interfering with the body's blood-clotting ability.
Varicose veins are common in families and are usually inherited. Increased pressure felt by the veins may also include varicose veins. There are also other risk factors involved in the development of varicose veins, such as:
- Excess weight or obesity
- Age
- Gender
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Leg injury
- Pregnancy
- Smoking
- Genetics
- Taking oral contraceptive pills or hormone replacement
What are the risks of varicose veins?
Usually, varicose veins pose no harm. However, it can be a cause for concern when complications such as the following arise:
- Inflammation or swelling of veins (phlebitis)
- Blood clots
- Pulmonary embolism
- Deep vein thrombosis
If there is a sudden and evident increase in the swelling or pain in your legs, it might be a cause for concern. When skin turns brown or red, it signifies worsening symptoms, especially if it becomes hot and painful. A change in skin color may signify chronic inflammation due to the elevated pressure in your veins. Pay attention if the veins turn to appear red or when it's shifting to the color brown.
What do your varicose veins say about your cardiovascular health?
If this is your first time experiencing varicose veins, it's normal to worry. You may have questions such as how varicose veins affect the heart and cardiovascular system? Can varicose veins cause heart problems?
Varicose veins indicate a problem with circulating blood back to the heart for oxygenation, but these swollen veins do not put you at a higher risk for cardiac issues. This is because poor circulation and heart disease are related to the arterial system, while varicose veins are related to the venous system.
But sometimes, the venous system is affected by a heart issue. For example, heart disease patients with varicose veins are at a higher risk of developing leg swelling or an infection around a varicose vein.
The good news is both your arterial and venous systems respond positively to a heart-healthy lifestyle such as proper diet, exercise, and staying hydrated. Supplements such as the Warrior Strong Wellness Vitamin D3 and K2 can also benefit your cardiovascular health. Take extra precautions if you're taking maintenance medications and consult with your doctor to know about other vitamin deficiencies.
How can Vitamin D and K help improve blood circulation?
Your body needs sufficient vitamin D and K to aid in normal and improved blood circulation and avoid several health-related conditions due to deficiency.
Vitamin K
It would help if you had vitamin K to help your body produce prothrombin, a protein and clotting factor essential in blood clotting and bone metabolism. Warrior Strong Wellness offers dietary supplements with Vitamin K. However, if you use blood-thinning medications such as warfarin, you should always consult a doctor before taking a vitamin K supplement.
Vitamin D
You are capable of producing vitamin D following enough sun exposure. However, sometimes sun exposure can increase the risk of skin problems. You also cannot get enough Vitamin D from food. But this vitamin is essential in weight loss and helps improve your blood flow with its ability to relax the blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It also helps with the normal functioning of your immune system. Vitamin D can also support your heart's pumping function and reduces levels of angiotensin, a hormone that contributes to higher blood pressure and inflammation.
To ensure you are getting enough vitamin D and K in your body, supplementing your diet and food intake with Warrior Strong Wellness Vitamin D3 and K2 capsules may benefit you. See the benefits for yourself by trying our food supplement.
It will help improve your blood circulation and also helps when you experience fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, low immune health, heart issues, weak bones, and even tooth decay. So order a bottle or more today!