De-Stressing, Ashwagandha capsule benefits

A Woman’s Guide to De-Stressing: 8 Effective Tips

Do you feel stressed or burned out? You’re not alone! Thousands of women share the same sentiment. Statistics share that 15 percent of American adults experience stress every day, while 78 percent say they feel stressed or burned out at least once a week. Thankfully, there are helpful ways to combat stress like having regular me time, taking ashwagandha pills, and exercising every day. Are you familiar with these? Learn effective relaxation techniques, the Ashwagandha capsule benefits, and more as we tackle everything there is to de-stressing successfully.

1. Tap into calming breathing exercises

Never underestimate the power of breathing exercises! Studies note that diaphragmatic breathing can help the body relax. Yogis and fitness trainers often recommend diaphragmatic or deep breathing for 10 to 15 minutes every time you feel stressed. This way, you can maximize several health benefits, including:

  • Improved heart rate
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Stronger core muscles
  • Lower chances of getting injured
  • Improved energy utilization

2. Dedicate enough time to exercise

Exercising provides instant stress relief because it promotes the release of endorphins, dopamine, and endocannabinoids. That’s why, we highly recommend scheduling a regular time to exercise and stretch your body. If you can’t leave the house due to a busy work schedule or your kids, here are some at-home exercises you can try:

  • Pushup
  • Jumping jacks
  • Squats
  • Bridge posture
  • Leg raise
  • Hip rotation
  • Single leg stand

3. Schedule a fun Me time

Mental Health experts explain that Me Time is your conscious effort to put your needs first and to carve out time to recharge your batteries and find inspiration around you. Here are a few ideas you can use the next time you schedule time for yourself:

  • Run a warm and relaxing bath
  • Go to a spa and get a soothing massage
  • Treat yourself at the mall
  • Grab a book and finish a couple of chapters
  • Indulge in your favorite food and drink
  • Go on a staycation in a nearby city


4. Find reasons to laugh

Several studies have already proven that laughing is the best natural medicine for all kinds of things. A brief moment of laughter can work instantly alleviate stress and provide several benefits, including:

  • Improved immune system function
  • Increased calorie burning
  • Lightened mood, especially when angry, sad, or depressed
  • Increased blood flow
  • Increased release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones

5. Let it all out

Studies show that crying is an effective way to ease the mind and release pent-up energy and frustration. On top of that, crying also offers health benefits that can help you improve your mental health and combat stress. Some examples of these include:

6. Unleash your creative side

Did you know that immersing in creative activities can provide similar benefits to meditation? Researchers and doctors note that unleashing one’s creative side boosts the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that works as an anti-depressant.

This is why there was a time when adult coloring books became quite popular among women. Clinical psychologists share that coloring books help take away negative thoughts and relax a weary mind. You can try using adult coloring books or tap into other creative hobbies like:

  • Crocheting or knitting
  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Writing poetry
  • Creating a bullet journal
  • Carpentry
  • Home remodeling
  • Crafting or scrapbooking
  • Cooking or baking

7. Unplug from work and social media

Needless to say, work and social media are among the most common stressors of women. That’s why, we believe it would be helpful to unplug yourself from social media and work at least a couple of hours each day. You can spend your extra time exploring new hobbies like cooking or hiking. Alternatively, you can dedicate a couple of hours to doing mindfulness exercises like guided meditation, chi walking, and gazing meditation.

8. Start boosting your energy with Ashwagandha Capsule

Another proven way you can de-stress is by taking Ashwagandha capsules. The ashwagandha plant proves helpful in boosting energy levels and relieving anxiety. Studies also note other Ashwagandha capsule benefits, including:

  • Better management of insomnia
  • Reduces risks for stress-related weight gain
  • Normalizes cortisol levels in the blood
  • Reduces risks for body inflammation
  • Improves body immunity
  • Sharper cognitive functions
  • Lowers blood glucose levels
  • Reduces risk for sexual dysfunction in women


Take Advantage of the Ashwagandha Capsule Benefits Today!

Stress is an inevitable part of life, especially for career women, working moms, and single mothers. Hopefully, the tips we shared above can help you work around your usual stressors. We recommend adding them to your usual routine or perhaps making a few modifications so they can fit your lifestyle.

Additionally, we strongly suggest trying natural supplements that fight stress and anxiety. Warrior Strong Wellness offers various health-boosting supplements like ashwagandha capsules. They contain potent ingredients from the Ashwagandha plant – a popular Ayurvedic medicine that traces its history to ancient times.

We hope you start making conscious efforts to fight and manage your stressors better with the help of the insights we shared above, plus the best Ashwagandha food supplement.

Start taking advantage of the Ashwagandha capsule benefits with the Pure Organic Ashwagandha Capsule by Warrior Strong Wellness!


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Warrior Strong Wellness
Warrior Strong Wellness provides innovative and high quality transformational supplements and raises awareness and funds to fight childhood cancer by giving a portion of our proceeds to childhood cancer research. In our weekly blogs, we share wisdom about wellness and living a Warrior Strong lifestyle.

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